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Regular Monthly Reiki Shares

Open to all Level Reiki Practitioners

A Reiki Share is a gathering of Reiki Practitioners who wish to join together for a
combination social/healing session. A share is where each Reiki practitioner receives
a treatment one person at a time by the group. Participating in a share is a beneficial
way of honoring one another as healers.

Participating in a Reiki Share group is a wonderful way to share Reiki with others,
receive healing, learn new skills, receive support and encouragement to speak your
truth in the world, and make new friends.

Group energies are often stronger than individual sessions. If you have never
participated, come and join us, it is truly a wonderful experience! Reiki Practitioners
of all levels are encouraged to attend.

Cost: : $15.00 Minimum of 4 participants needed to hold the share. You must
contact me by email to let us know you plan to attend. You will be contacted
if the event is to be cancelled.

Reiki Shares are held on the 2nd Friday

of the month for 2015... Dates are below.........



MARCH: 13th

APRIL: 10th

MAY: 8th

JUNE: 12th

JULY: no reiki share

AUGUST: no reiki share

SEPT: 11th

OCT: 9th

NOV: 13th

DEC: 11th

We will be meeting at Essex Wellness Center.

If you or someone you know is a reiki practioner, please share this with them.

Please contact me if you plan to attend, so I can plan accordingly. Thank you :)